Depending on the permissions on the domain, you can specify unique PHP settings. You may find customising PHP configuration useful when attempting to meet requirements or limiting resources. Should you set the PHP parameter to default the domain will use the server wide PHP configuration.

You can amend these options by doing the following:

1. Log into your Plesk panel. E.g.

2. Go to "Domains"

3. Select the domain > Websites & Domains

4. Click on the downward chevron next to the domain to expand options

5 Select "PHP Settings"

6 You can use this area to add/amend you PHP settings

N.B. if you cannot find particular PHP parameters, use the "Additional Directives" box toward the bottom. The directives will be included in the final PHP configuration. Use the same syntax as you use for php.ini. For example, if you want to automatically load the mSQL extension, add the line: