Accessing Plesk web statistics
If you have set up Web statistics for your domain you will be able to access them at:
(where “” is the name of your domain)
You can also access site statistics via the Plesk control panel, login and go to websites & domains, under the domain you want click on the Web Statistics button.
To enable Web statistics
- First log in to the Plesk control panel,
- Go to domains
- Select the domain you want to enable statistics for
- Go to hosting settings
- Near the bottom select from the drop down menu either Webalizer or AWstats .
- You should now be able to access web stats from the link.
Recalculating statistics
You can recalculate statistics if you are comfortable with connecting to the server via SSH or RDP.
To calculate statistics for Linux
- Login via SSH
- Run the following command
- /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/statistics –calculate-onle –
Where “” is the name of your domain
The command can take a while to run if there is a lot to generate
To calculate statistics for Windows
- Login via RDP (remote desktop)
- Go to start run or press the windows key + r
- Type cmd and press enter
- In the black and white screen type
"%plesk_bin%\statistics.exe" --calculate-one --domain-name
"%plesk_bin%\statistics.exe" --generate-domain-webstat --domain-name
Where “” is the name of your domain
If you don't feel secure running the commands, download the windowsstatistics.exe copy it to your server and run.