How to order an SSL certificate with CWCS, firstly make sure you are logged into your billing account at, then follow the instructions below:
- Click “Services”
- Click “Order New Services”
- Select “SSL Certificates” from the drop down list
- Click “Order Now” against the certificate you require
Note: The above image shows a Thawte SSL being selected, however, for the purposes of this guide a RapidSSL was ordered.
- You will then need to enter in the SSL to be protected. Some SSLs will protect both the www. and blank domain, others only the exact domain entered in the field.
- You will then be prompted to enter in the data for the SSL and make payment.
- Once payment is processed you will receive an order confirmation via email.
- You will then receive an email to initiate the order, this is titled “CWCS: Your SSL Certificate – Enrolment steps”
- Using the link on the email you can go directly to the SSL configuration page, alternatively you can:
- Login to your account
Click "Services"
- Select the SSL certificate from the list of services.
- Then click Generate Now
- The “Configure SSL Certificate Page” will be available.
- Select the relevant web server from the drop down list.
- Paste in the CSR for your certificate.
- Select SHA encryption level (SHA2).
- Not captured in the above image, you will be prompted to enter the Technical and Administrative Contact details for the SSL.
- Select the method of authentication.
- HTTP File-Based Authentication – Requires uploading a certificate to the website
- DNS – Requires entering in a custom DNS record to authenticate against
- Email – Send an email to any of the available address to provide authentication
- For this process we will select DNS.
Note: You can use email or HTTP File-Based Authentication if you feel these are more suitable, if you select these options follow the instructions provided on the page. - You will be provided with a DNS entry to add to the domain name.
- Do not enter the TXT record with brackets as shown in the above image e.g. "(30jw2ifaoasfd08923roijknsdcvkjsdvgpqasf)", instead enter it as "30jw2ifaoasfd08923roijknsdcvkjsdvgpqasf"
- Once the DNS entry has been added the certificate will take some time to validate. This process can take 24/48 hours depending on propagation time for the new DNS record.
- Returning to the SSL Certificate Manage Product page further information about the SSL Order is available.